Kamala Harris. Jacinda Ardern. Annamie Paul. In Canada and abroad, women are blazing new trails as political leaders. In Women, Power, and Political Representation, a new volume that I edited with Roosmarijn de Geus, Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant and Peter Loewen, contributors examine the contours and challenges of women’s political representation. Published by University of Toronto Press, the book includes 18 chapters, written in an accessible format that is ideal for students and journalists.

The Hill Times has named it one of the Best Books of 2021, and Rosie Campbell, Professor Politics and Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College, London calls it “comprehensive account of the state of women’s political presence . . . that showcases cutting-edge research regarding women’s under-representation from diverse perspectives.”

Overview of the BookHill Times Best Books of 2021

Roosmarijn de Geus, Erin Tolley, Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant and Peter John Loewen, eds. 2021. Women, Power and Political Representation: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.